How We Met:

Michael and I both went to Tufts University in wonderful Somerville, MA (yes we haven’t gotten very far!) and we met in May 1992 when I was taking a summer course. As fate would have it, Michael was a Resident Assistant in the dorm where I was staying. A group of students would get together at night to play soccer, volleyball, cards, go to the movies, etc… and Michael and I just started hanging out more and more with each other, talking, getting to know each other – and that’s it! The rest, as they say, is history :-)

Since We Met:

The past seven years haven’t always been easy, but we made it! Despite all of the ups and downs I knew it was going to work out when Michael moved to D.C. while I was finishing graduate school at George Washington University. And even though he hated D.C., he stuck it out for me!

We moved back to Somerville in the fall of 1997 and bought a house there in January 1999. Which was when Michael also proposed! He went through about 4 jobs in our time in Boston all in various aspects of the high tech field, while I spent all of my time at an oil consulting group. We got married in April of 2000, spent more time working on our house, and of course Michael spent some quality time working on his car as well! And then we got pregnant during the summer 2001 and our beautiful son Alec was born in February 2002.

What We’re Doing Now:

Well, while I was pregnant Michael decided to go back to business school. It was scary and uncertain for quite awhile but in the end things worked out and now we are living in beautiful Ithaca NY where Michael is going to Cornell and I am a SAHM and couldn't be happier. Leaving Boston was hard, and selling our house was heartbreaking but in the end it was all worth it. We have no idea what the future will bring or where we will end up next, but hopefully something and somewhere good!

Michael's Interests:

CARS (specifically Porsches), Sci-fi, and Soccer. To learn more about the fascination with his own and any Porsche, visit Michael's friend Chris' Porsche web page

Lisa’s Interests:

Babies!, Reading, Cooking, Traveling, Soccer, Knitting, the Internet, Web page design, Celtic history and all things Russian.