The ceremony will be at 3 p.m. on April 8, 2000 at Goddard Chapel, Tufts University, Medford, MA

Goddard Chapel is a non-denominational chapel located in the Tufts Academic quad. Being of different faiths, we wanted to have our marriage celebrated somewhere where we (and both of our families) would feel comfortable. We immediately thought of the Tufts chapel. Not only is the chapel non-denominational, but Tufts is where we met, started dating and fell in love. The grounds of the campus have many special memories for us and we invite our gueststo walk around the beautiful quad both before and after the ceremony. 

A visit to the library roof is highly recommended. The library is built into the hillside so the roof is accessible from the top of the hill, directly across from the chapel. On a clear day the roof offers a breathtaking view of the Boston skyline - and of course we're hoping for a clear day!

We will be having a Roman Catholic Ceremony. A full Mass is not usually celebrated during inter-faith marriages.

Directions to Tufts Chapel

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